
Why should Corporate Recruiters consider a CMS Credential?

For corporates, a CheckMySkills certification acts as a valuable asset in selecting a candidate. It can not only help ease the selection process but also choose the right candidate with an upgraded and certified skillset.


Easy to Select

A CheckMySkills certification indicates the preparedness of the candidate for the desired job role which can ease the selection process during recruitment.

Minimal Requirement for on job training

A skilled candidate can handle tasks right at the start and bring additional inputs to the organization. This ultimately reduces the added effort for on-the-job training after recruiting the candidate.

Key assets

A CheckMySkills certification is a valuable asset that adds credit to the candidate’s profile. A skilled candidate acts as a catalyst to boost your business and the company’s potential to a great extend!

Improved Candidate Quality

With this certification, actual skills required for the job can be tested to find the right candidate. You can improve candidate quality by eliminating those whose only intention is self-promotion.

Eliminates Pre-Selection Tests

Candidates don’t like solving long, repetitive tests as it is quite time-consuming. Our platform can get you certified by testing the basic required knowledge in hardly any time and allows you to be prepared for the job.

Saves Time

Pre-employment tests save time so that you can focus on interviewing the most skilled candidates. Big companies have to screen many applicants. With this certification, they can be assured of focusing on the best.